Friday, June 27, 2008

NK Disarming

I am interested to see how far North Korea plans to go with its plans of nuclear disarmament. So far it looks like the North Koreans are ready to surrender its nuclear their program and have destroyed a nuclear cooling tower in Yongbyon. President Bush has already stated that he will remove North Korea from the terrorist list and lift sanctions.

This is great news! I always felt that we should have attacked North Korea instead of Iraq. North Korea told us flat out that they had weapons of mass destruction, but yet we invaded Iraq for suspicion of possession??? Kim Jong Il, Dictator of North Korea even went as far as to attempt to launch a potentially loaded ICBM over the US on July 4, 2006. Fortunately, the missile failed, otherwise we could have had some real fireworks!

But how could someone so evil, suddenly have a change of heart? Could it be that he has finally realized that humanity is more important that power? Whatever the reason, I just hope it’s sincere. Although it may be very rare, I believe that bad people can change, and when they do change it is one of the most beautiful things. I look forward to seeing a North Korea with a better economy for its people. Ironically, it could be the very same hand that destroyed them with excessive military spending to the hand that feeds them with federal aid.

1 comment:

Lilly Buchwitz said...

What's the role or influence of media here?