Friday, June 6, 2008

Millennials on the Rise

The Millennials are coming! If this phrase strikes fear into your heart, chances are you’re an informed Baby Boomer. I, am neither a Millennial nor a Baby Boomer, but I am open-minded enough to accept the inevitable changes.

Reading the introduction in chapter 1 of my Radio/TV/Film textbook and viewing the in-class video on Millennials, I am under the impression that Baby Boomers do not like Millenials very much. They feel that they act like children and are too care-free to assume responsibilities. The video stated that sociologist say that children grow up at 26 or older. I believe that Millenials have there reasons for acting like children for past adolescence. For example, with longer life spans, what’s the rush to grow up? Do Millenials really need to feed their money into Social Security for the Baby Boomers? Why not quit work if being by exploited? Who would want to work for a boss that’s an ass!

Are Baby Boomers afraid of the future? Most Baby boomers gave birth to these Millennals. They even mass stereotyped them and labeled them as “The Millenials.” They told their children that they mattered and that friends and family should come first. Now, some people are worried and inconvenienced because the Millennials don’t have the same work ethic as their parents. Afterall, it is the Baby Boomer generation that supports the young adults when they return home after college.

Like generations before, society evolves and each younger generation seems to be a little bit more rebellious and liberal than the previous. I remember my folks telling me stories how skirts had to hang below their knees, and that Elvis was censored for swaying his hips, and that it was a big deal when the word “damn” was used in the motion picture Gone With the Wind. Times have changed since then and will continue to do so. So what does it matter if an employee walks into the office dressed as if he/she was going to the beach? As long as the work gets done, the company and employee will collect their paycheck.

We can not stop what we started. The best thing to do is to roll with it; and I’m glad that some of today’s corporations such as, Merrill Lynch and Disney are complying. And because the Millennials are great learners, they will learn to handle similar issues with the generation they beget when the time comes.

1 comment:

Lilly Buchwitz said...

You say you don't consider yourself to be a Millennial, but then you don't explain why. I want to read your opinion!